Feb 28, 2011

The Dowdy Studio Wagon - Part V

Today is all about Pamela fake making drawers.

Dylan made these really cool drawers that stick out of the wall to hold our prints. There are three of them and each is a different size to hold out 3 sizes of prints.

This is Pamela coming home for lunch and pretending like she's helping do something to the drawers. "This drawer looks great! Let me measure it and make sure there is a distance from this corner to this corner. Yup, all seems to be in order. check!" - Pamela

"Oh this already finished drawer seems to be level. I'll even do the pencil test. er...hrm....good good. Perfect! Well then, I guess I will take more pics, then go make a sandwich." - Pamela

We had fun diving in and out of shops and stores too looking for unique drawer pulls. We loved the mixed match look of the different metals, but after putting them on there we were thinking they might be cooler painted all bright colors. We still haven't decided, what y'all think?

See more of the making of the Wagon:

Join us on facebook to see the full gallery

-Pamela + Dylan

Feb 27, 2011

Just a little fun at IndieGenius

We have a micro-boutique at IndieGenius, an indie marketplace near Bishop Arts in Dallas serving up some really cool goodies. A while back we made a little swing by and worked a few hours, then loaded up our boutique space with lots of new stuff! Hell to the yeah!

We stocked up the tees for the ladies, new necklaces, clocks and loads of new prints.

Then we took pics!

There was a photo booth at a party they held there for Valentine's so we decided to put on our pretty faces, and strike some poses.

Wanna see more pics? Hit us up on facebook + show us some love.

-Pamela + Dylan

Feb 26, 2011

The Dowdy Studio Wagon: Part IV

We're getting closer! After installing the bench, cash wrap and a tee rack, we decided we should probably clean this Wagon up a little before making more displays. Sweeping isn't really the most fun part of the renovation, but it must be done. Hey, at least I'm good at it! Especially when it's only 72 square feet of space.

We are madly in love with the faux wood floors against the gray and white painted walls. The the springy green wall in the back adds for some extreme pop!

We hung some tees on the tee rack just to see how they looked with the new furniture displays. We looooove it, and think they look stunning in their new home.

Dylan installed lighting around the ceiling for when we're out in the evenings. It's so bright in there. We closed all the doors just to see if you could still see in darkness and VAVOOM yes! Score!

Our hearts are racing with excitement, and we can't wait to show you more of our adventures of building this baby!

We also hope you can join us March 12th at the Gypsy Wagon in Dallas for their first Handmade Market of 2011 happening once a month through May. This will be our GRAND OPENING!!!!! Hooray!!! Stay tuned to hear about more of our upcoming events.

Happy trails!
-Pamela + Dylan

See more of the making of the Wagon:

Join us on facebook to see the full gallery

Feb 25, 2011


This just in: We'll be drag'n out the Wagon for the first time EVER EVER EVER March 12th at the Gypsy Wagon in Dallas.

You should come! We'd love to see you. Mark you calendars and plan to celebrate our grand opening with us!!!

YAY! WE heart you!
- Pamela + Dylan

See more of the making of the Wagon:

Feb 23, 2011

The Dowdy Studio Wagon: Part III

Our Mission: Insert a low shelf - That's what we did!

When it came to designing the inside of the Wagon, we were torn on whether we should find some cool old beat up furniture and refinish it to put in there, or if we should just start from scratch and build everything ourselves. Either way we knew we would be getting our hands dirty and being super DIY.

Earlier this winter Dylan and his pops worked on a set design for a small film, and we were rewarded with tons of left over wood and supplies after the shoot. So what better way to use them than to build our own displays for the Wagon! This way we would build and design exactly what we were looking for and not have to rely on finding the perfect vintage piece.

Lulu took a break from building the display furniture. She doesn't do that kinda stuff, and it's not good for her fur or something like that, so this kitty sunbathed instead.

The Low shelf was built, and placed in the Wagon. Perfect. Just one more thing to do....paint it.

Ohhh la la...white!

Once it was painted, we secured it to the wagon. We decided the best spot for it was on the window side, since we build an installed a hanging tee rack on the other wall. Dylan also built a small bar height cash wrap on the back wall.

Dylan putting the finishing touches on the cash wrap.

And we have been enjoying random paint on our faces.

See more of the making of the Wagon:

Roadside + Clouds

In January we took a little trip to Austin to visit some friends and enjoy the city. On the drive back, I realized I hadn't taken a single pic, so I shot some images of the side of the road. The clouds were blowing in and clustering up and you could only see bits of bright blue through them. It was very gloomy, but pretty, so I whipped out the camera phone and had some fun.

So for your viewing pleasure: Roadside + Clouds

Feb 22, 2011

+Cool Art Visual Recap

It was a couple weeks ago, there was snow on the ground, it was quiet outside and a few of us Etsy Dallas artists decided to hold an intimate trunk show called All You Need is Love + Cool Art. Here's some pics of what happened.

A view from our front window the day before the + Cool Art show.

Outside Larry's house, where the show was. Luckily the snow melted a bit that day. You know Texas shuts down when it snows, so we're really excited that we were able to make it.

It was warm and cozy inside where we set up out handmade goodies all over Larry's house. Larty, the Kessler Craftsman, and Tefi took over the dining room.

A close up of Tefi's pretty fabric yo-yo necklaces.

This was our set up. We shared the living room with Cut Out and Collect. We blocked the TV with our ginormous display.

That's okay, because Cut Out and Collect blocked the fireplace. We joked about turning it on....but we're too nice for that. Plus we heart her handmade bags and like them better not on fire.

Feb 18, 2011

The Dowdy Studio Wagon - Part II

Since our last post about the Wagon, we've been getting our paint on, and doing some fancy things like installing fine flooring and finishes. Here's a shot from the back side. As you can see we have primed walls!!! Oh yeah...primed walls baby!

After priming the walls, we realized that all those paint fumes in a tight small space is apparently not the best for making logically coherent or sane sentences. We both experienced bursts of looniness that probably would scare away any proper person.

Excerpts from our painting fumed delirium:

Dylan - "Do people playing the Wii ever say that they are going to wiiiii all over the living room?" followed by unstoppable giggles.

Pamela - "These paint brushes are so soft. They should take lots of these brushes and tie them together make even bigger brushes, that you can lay on and take a nap."

So we decided it was probably time to open the doors and window. After a bit of airing out, we stained the doors a nice medium brown to give it some nice color and protect it from wear and tear.
To spruce up the flooring, we found these faux wood tiles, that really made the room glow!

With a splash of on of our favorite colors, green, and some final trimmings, we called it done for the day. We've got a bit of a ways to go, but we're almost there. We'll be posting more pics and showing you what we're up to with it. Hope you like it! We can't wait to show you in person! yay!

-Pamela + Dylan

See more of the making of the Wagon:

Feb 17, 2011

Come play with us!

This Saturday, from 4-8pm, we'll be working at our favorite micro-boutique, Indiegenius!! We invite you, and we invite your friends to come on down Saturday to join us for some shopping fun. We'll be bringing up boat loads of new items and stocking up our boutique. We've got new prints, new jewelry, new clocks and new tees for the ladies and the mens!

So Saturday.....cancel your plans and come hang out with us. Then, go explore the Bishop Arts District. We recommend hitting up Eno's Pizza for dinner. They have great beers and tasty tasty pizza (get the Eno's Original. YUM! & save us a bite). Ladies, if you do need to run to the powder room, do check out the upstairs bathroom. We've taken over the walls with some of our artwork. Hope you like it. :)

See you Saturday!
-Pamela + Dylan

Heads Up! New Design Alert

Hey guys! In the next few days we should be finished with our new design and have it ready to show you. Yay! Above is just a hint of what the new design is. No, it's not a picture of the new design, but it was just something we were fooling around with in photoshop. Maybe we got a little carried away....... what do you think?

Feb 16, 2011

we like to party. we like. we like to tee party

Last Friday night was the tshirt release party at We Are 1976. It was a great night! With 9 talented tee designers and one very awesome DJ Sober dropping tunes from his new album, Business Class. We had a couple of adult beverages, oohed and awed at all the talent, and chatted with some really cool folks who came out to support and party.

The packed shop filled with all the cool kids. It was insta-party fun happening time!

Our Music is my Weapon tees were proudly displayed on the center table, which included a vintage white stove. You can see a tiny bit of it in the left of the above pic, but in person it's so much awesome. On the tables, we loved the simplicity of these PVC pipe mannequins. They were great for showcasing the tees.

Thanks to everyone who came out to party! If you missed it, keep an eye on the We Are 1976 website and look for their upcoming events, then super circle it on your calendar. These are parties you don't want to miss. We hope to see you at the next one!
Pamela + Dylan

Hello loves - Valentine's Recap

We hope everyone had a lovely Valentine's this past Monday! Here at the Dowdy Studio things got a little romantical as Dylan arranged these beautiful flowers as a special surprise. We spent our valentines like any normal couple - Dinner at our favorite Mexican restaurant across the street, a couple margaritas, upbeat conversations about love and art, followed by curling up on the couch together with some awesomely bad tv.

To prepare for the Valentine's Day, we held an art sale over at our friend's house in South Dallas, called All You Need is Love + Cool Art (pics from the show coming soon). For the show, we debuted our new print, The Sound of Love. We should have this up in our Etsy shop very soon. We know Valentine's has passed, but it's always nice to have a sweet reminder of love to hang on your walls.

Feb 11, 2011

Tshirt Release Party! TONIGHT!!

Come Party with us as we release on of our new tee design at We Are 1976!

(reposted from WeAre1976.com)
Okay, we've never done anything like this before and cannot be more excited! Join us on Friday, February 11th (starts at 7pm) as we throw a multi-brand t-shirt and cd
release party! We're packing our shop with nine (count them, NINE!) of the most talented,
smart, passionate, and super good looking creatives in Dallas (and LA!) as they all release
a spankin' NEW limited edition shirt(s) for their respective brands. All the while, our awesome
friend DJ Sober, releases his brand new album, Business Class.

It's gonna be a great night. We're so honoured to be able to host and support Dallas's
emerging designers and brands and mix it with Sober's super new CD. We've had sneak
peak of the shirts and of Sober's CD and they're soooo great. Y'all come on out and chill
with us- it's gonna be the best night. Also, GoingOutDallas.com has been kind enough
to provide some refreshing beverages, ShopDad is gonna heat up the fryer (heard
something about crab ragoon).

About the designers/brands (in alpha order):

Brainsnatcher - The crazy popular Brainsnatacher yeti tee was probably our first shirt
from a local designer that we carried (and first to sell out!). Love this guy.

Brent Ozaeta - Our forever yellow fever crush. You've probably seen his amazing work
at the badass Public Trust and his new exclusive print just for our shop. Such a talent.

DJ Sober - He's sooo good and a such a great friend to us. And, we like his plaid. We got
to work with him at our Johnny Cupcakes event. Can't wait to do more projects together.

Dowdy Studio - Another super Dallas designer and screenprinter. Dylan and Pam are huge
supporters of Dallas Etsy and their work has that vintage element we love. They do great work.

Fresh Kaufee - "This is not a political shirt by any means but stands as an example that
whatever we can dream will always be possible..." How he describes his designs. We like.

GOST BRAND -SO EXCITED ABOUT THIS. Arlo Eisenberg is one of the BEST inline skaters
EVER and former designer at Franco Shade Clothing and Paul Frank. His shirts are BADASS.

Loyal K.N.G -We meet this great crew this year, always coming out to support all the other local
brands and we're really happy to be able to support them. Good people.

Marty B's (Rock It Dope) - The mega talented Martellus Bennet of the Dallas Cowboys will be
on hand too! We met him a few months back when he came looking for a FFB shirt!

Nerdy Fresh -We met Frank a few months back when we went to Centre (another GREAT
independent shop in Dallas) for his series release. Great shirts and a real good dude.

The Good Child -AND, we have one lady representing! Her first event for her new line just
debuted this year. So hardworking and an amazing supporter of Dallas's creative peoples.
We love her.

Feb 3, 2011

Vintage Dallas is old and stuff.

So we know Dallas has some great history, but really, we haven't been around to see much of it in our short lives. Good thing our friend Stephanie (who co-leads Etsy Dallas with us and is the designer behind Tefi) had a sec to shoot us a link for this really cool blog that documents some of the cool things from Dallas' past: Old Dallas Stuff

For example, One of my favorite postings from the site was about a defunct shop called Olla Podrida, which according to Stephanie the literal Spanish translation is "rotten pot", and the actual translation is "melting pot (giggle). Olla Podrida was a huge building filled with arts, crafts and all things handmade. This retro craft mall was right off Coit and LBJ, and was the hot spot for buying crafty goods back in the day. Sadly it's no longer there, but much more modern and hip craft retailers have popped up since then.

Anyways, go hit up the Old Dallas Stuff blog and check out vintage Dallas for yourself.

Feb 2, 2011

Official Dowdy Weather Report = Brrr!


Something crazy happened here in north Texas yesterday. This white cold stuff started falling from the sky and covered everything. Making it difficult to do anything but stay inside and hide under a pile of blankets.

This weather is weird, and ridiculously cold. We are not used to the temperature being in the teens in Texas, especially during the day, so we've issued an Official Dowdy Severe Weather Alert to all our friends and loved ones.